Q: What are the most common pest problems for homeowners and businesses in Morris County?
A: In Morris County, common pests include mice, squirrels, and carpenter ants. Seasonally, mosquitoes and ticks are also highly prevalent, especially during the warmer months.
Q: How does seasonal change impact pest activity in Morris County?
A: Seasonal changes significantly influence pest activity. For instance, mice often enter homes during colder months, seeking warmth and shelter. Environmental factors like drought can increase the presence of occasional invaders such as millipedes and clover mites. Early spring brings a rise in tick and ant activity, while summer is the peak season for mosquitoes, wasps, and other crawling insects.
Q: What are some common signs of pest activity around homes in Morris County?
A: Some obvious signs include spotting pests themselves, like rats, mice, or yellow jackets, around your property. Other indicators include rodent or bat droppings, gnaw marks, grease rubs, damaged food, dead insects, and burrows in the yard. These are all signs that you might have a pest problem.
Q: When is the right time for property owners in Morris County to contact Faro Pest Control?
A: We always recommend taking advantage of our free inspections as a proactive measure. Don’t wait until you see signs of a pest issue—it’s much easier to prevent problems than to address infestations after they occur. Faro offers various protection programs, such as our Home Protection Plan, tick and mosquito reduction services, and termite treatments. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your home pest-free year-round.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to mention about pest concerns in Morris County?
A: One pest of growing concern is the spotted lanternfly, a newer species in the area. These pests can fly directly at you and cause extensive damage to local trees and plants. Faro Pest Control is equipped to manage spotted lanternflies at every life stage, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you see them on your property.